Advanced Beginner - Intermediate Flamenco Choreography - Guajiras
Mondays 7:45-9pm
June 7, 14, 21, July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2
$160/session; $25/drop-in
For students with an understanding of flamenco marcajes, footwork, braceo, rhythm, and structure. In this class, we’ll continue to build technique skills and learn a choreography in guajiras.
For this class, students will need a fan. You can get a basic plastic fan in Asia town or online. Here is a good resource for fans:
Registration limited to 9 students. Priority given to students who register for the full session.
3% service charge added for PayPal & Credit Card transactions.
Venmo to @aliceblumenfeld
Zelle, Check, and Cash also accepted.